mercoledì 1 settembre 2021

Shot ** K11 **The Witch

Top: - Djuna Top by Wicca's Originals@ WCF 18+ // September 1st - 26th ☻ Item: Djuna Top ☻ Sizes: Maitreya (Lara+Petite), Legacy (Female+Perky) ☻ HUD: 10 Fabric Colors, 10 Leater Colors, 10 Metal Colors ☻ Available as Fatpack OR 4 single colors (single colors only change metals and opacity) ☻ Special: you can change the opacity: "opaque-transparent-off" for the shirt on the HUD (fatpack+single colors)☻

Decor: The Craft by [IK]** set included ** candle, cat, book, table , black salt, brick dust, carpet, cauldron, crystal, frame, herb, incensory, mortar, stone, toad.