martedì 4 giugno 2024

Shot ** 1393 ** Syreni

Top: Modesty Top by Wicca's Originals @ The Belleza Event // May 11th - June 10th ** MaitreyaX (Lara+Petite), Legacy[F] (Clasic+Perky), Reborn, Belleza GenX (Classic+Curvy) // (hide/show options for the shirt on the HUD) // mod-copy-no trans HUD: 10 Colors & Metals

Tattoo:  Syreni (recolored)  by BodyArts ** 
3 neck/head Tattoo´s (EvoX)

3 BoM Lipsticks (EvoX)
3 BoM/Lelutka applier Eyes

Colors: Pink, Natural & Lavender. MP